August’s Photo Scavenger Hunt

  1. Blue
    So, a few years ago, we decided we would achieve a dream and flew out to Malaysia for a few weeks to visit some family who lived there for a while. We saw and did many amazing things, among which was this wonderful water village on the little island we were on. Despite the poverty and deprivation, the vibrant colours of the houses were amazing. It made me wonder – was the toning of the board colours a conscious choice? Were they originally brightly painted and had faded in situ, or was it that the boards were simply ‘leftovers’; all that was available and just happened to be a beautiful colour?IMG_3363
  2. Eye
    In July and August, the nearby market town of Settle does a wonderful flowerpot festival. Some colleagues from work and I got all inspired and took the opportunity to create our very own flowerpot crayfish called Colin. Turns out you can make pretty much anything from flowerpots. All you need are a few enthusiastic children with cordless drills and spray paint (Nb. they were our own personal children, not other people’s children and we were obviously following the appropriate risk assessments!), a roughly sketched but anatomically accurate plan and LOTS of cable ties. We were struggling with the eyes as ‘googly-eyes’ from the local craft shop just weren’t cutting the mustard. My mum, a fount of creative knowledge, suggested black flowerpots and the strategically snipped interior of a margerine tub. We thought it worked pretty well. Watch this space for next year…
  3. Button
    This was the only word I was really struggling to find a photo for. Then, helpfully, we’ve just had a lovely few days away in the north east and visited the wonderful Beamish, where I took this shot. I hope it counts, as it’s definitely of buttons plural rather than buttons singular, but I felt it fitted the bill. It was on the counter of a haberdashery shop in the 1900s town.
    Processed with Snapseed.
  4. Favourite
    I found this one really hard; how can you choose a favourite photo? But then I thought I would choose a favourite something else, so this is a mobile phone view from my favourite of the Yorkshire three peaks, taken a few years ago.
  5. Feet
    A few years ago, my daughter was much more amenable to the w-word than she is now and on snowy days we would don wellies and waterproofs and head out for a -shhhh – walk…
  6. Glass
    I’ve got a lovely friend who makes the most stunning jewelry and one of the treasures she uses is sea glass. You can easily while away several hours (aching back permitting) filtering through tiny pebbles on a beach finding bits of sea softened glass which seem to have this magical translucent glowing quality once they’ve been bashed about by the waves a lot and deposited for beachcombers and jewelry-makers to find.
  7. Green
    I love trees!
  8. Floor
    I also love barns. And this one, not far from us, has a particularly wonderful floor!
  9. Knitted/crocheted/sewn/hand made
    I was given a ball of wool by my sister for Christmas. It’s quite small, so is therefore not as intimidating as if she had given me a massive ball and pattern ideas, being an extremely novice knitter. I made one fingerless mitt on a rainy Sunday afternoon by the fire. It was a very cosy way to spend a couple of hours and to say all it is is a knitted square sewn together along a line with a gap, I’m inordinately proud of it. I’m on with the other one as well, so that’s good…
  10. My own choice
    The stunning Durham Cathedral. Cathedral as well as city are well worth a visit if you’re ever in the area.
    Processed with Snapseed.

6 thoughts on “August’s Photo Scavenger Hunt

  1. Be still my beating heart, your blue photo is beautiful, as are all your photos however my favourite are those faded blue boards xx


  2. Another great interpretation of Hawthorn’s words; Think my favourite is your favourite but it was hard to single this one out as the floor and blue were also contenders. Having done a bit of crude dry stone walling myself, I feel drawn towards it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for the comments Marta. I’ve never done dry stone walling, but have always been curious about how those amazingly strategic patterns of stone are created. The skill involved is incredible.


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